Sunday, January 24, 2010

How many Network Marketing companies do you know would do this....

Between January 12 and January 31st, for every new Associate payment payment received, Pyxism will donate $5 to the Hope for Haiti now organization. Pyxism has already donated $2500 to this charity so far. This is a very noble gesture and a testament to values of integrity and ethics - Kudos to you Lloyd Wilson. For more information, just go the the Pyxism home page.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Still no Contract and archaic registration

After a 4 week pre-launch and now 11 days into the launch, we still don't have a contract for the Associates to adhere to and you still have to wire transfer your money to become an Associate.

While the absence of a legal agreement is a favorable situation for those who resort to deception and copyright infringement to attract and sign on prospects, my impression is that this is a harmful situation for Pyxism's attractiveness and credibility as a legitimate business.

Yes, management is established and has proven themselves in other Network Marketing companies before, and yes there has been tremendous work done to become a Licensed Travel reseller in several States - which I understand is no easy feat. But seeing all the websites that blatantly steal the Pyxism text and images and who lead you to believing you are on the corporate site, or who require you to opt-in to their prospect list, could be harmful to the brand of Pyxism. There are good quality videos and sites and there are bad ones - which implies there is no quality control. Maybe it's just me with my background in Quality Systems and Marketing, but I hope that Pyxism managemenet gets around soon to pulling in the reigns on this Wild West approach to growing the organization. Sure it is easy and great for the early and agressive recruiters to operate in this type of scenario, but is it sustainable? Will the brand image become blemished as some leave after disappointing results and the net becomes polluted with mixed messages and hype. We'll see.

At the Associates conference call on Monday, it was mentioned that other payment methods are coming around and it should be soon when Associates can sign on with a simple credit card payment. There were just some details to work out regarding situations of refunds and the impact on payouts and the such. In my opinion, this is perfectly understandable, but I am suspecting that sign on rates are not as high as they could be if other payment options were offered.

Monday, January 18, 2010

PYXISM website is becoming more extensive

On the associates-only call tonight, PYXISM founder Lloyd Wilson unveiled the new additions to the PYXISM website.  The site now has a menu bar featuring the vacation travel products (still incomplete), the compensation plan overview, an About section, and the Associate registration page.

I just wanted to take a couple of moments to write about the compensation plan overview section.  Here we find, in simple terms, how very lucrative this business can become, but beyond that, it becomes clear how beneficial the true Follow-me Matrix really is in promoting a team-building atmosphere.  For example, positions in a matrix are filled from the top down, regardless of who sponsored, so if you are just getting started, your upline will be helping you out by filling positions below you with associates they've recruited!  Now that's teamwork!

During the webinar Mr. Wilson also reported that PYXISM has grown to around 3,700 associates so far.  This is phenomenal given that very little has been done on marketing - the corporate focus so far has been on setting up the legal foundation to be a legitimate company and a licensed travel seller.  This is now complete and the marketing initiatives will follow.  Despite, that the internet buzz surrounding this start up is undeniable.  Just look at the Alexa rankings below:

This steady growth is completely attributed to the efforts of the early mover leaders, their teams, and the associates who are generating interest and creating organic growth.  It is a positive sign of confidence in the company, the product, and the teams who are coming on board.  The other revealing finding from this report is that PYXISM is truly becoming a global player with interest coming from the four corners of the globe (just so you know, the lower the number, the higher the site is ranked...)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lofty Goals and Big Rewards

After a four-week long pre-launch, the PYXISM official launch was Monday 11 Jan 2010. At the associates-only webinar, founder Lloyd Wilson, announced the winners of the 4-week long recruiting drive by awarding $1000 cash to the person who recruited the most in each week.  He also awarded the highest overall recruiter with $5000.

In addition to these bonuses, Wilson allowed his three group leaders to award $500 prizes to two members in each of their organizations.  He let them choose their own criteria for these awards and the group leaders each had an opportunity to explain who they chose and why.

After all these prizes, Lloyd went on to explain how the company growth is beyond what had originally been anticipated and that the demand and buzz was so strong that pre-launch started earlier than originally planned and the same occurred for the launch.  He made it clear that his intention was to be the number one provider in this segment and he set a lofty goal of rapidly growing to 150,000 new associates. In order to motivate the troops to reach this milestone, Mr. Wilson announced a new series of additional incentives.  One PYXISM grows to 150,000 strong, the most prolific recruiter will be awarded a cash bonus of $1 million, and additional bonuses will be awarded to the top 6 recruiters. The second place recruiter will receive $250,000, third place $100,000 and the remaining three will receive $50,000 each.

These generous, and unplanned bonuses illustrate the values that Wilson is trying to instill in this new company - teamwork, prosperity, honesty, integrity, and determination.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Why I chose the PYXISM Network Marketing Opportunity

Seeing as this is my first post and PYXISM is still in launch mode, it has not really become operational as a MLM business yet, so I thought it would be a good place to explain some of the reasons why I chose PYXISM.  Before I get to that, I'll spend a bit of time explaining what PYXISM is as this will provide the context for the next part of this post.

A brief overview of the Company

PYXISM is a US-based Company that was founded in November 2009, and is wholly owned by Lloyd Wilson.  It was in pre-launch until January of 2010 and during that short period of time, it has created so much buzz that almost a thousand associates already registered.  Lloyd prefers this title over others such as affiliate or independent representative, because it instills a sense of belonging and teaming, which is in line with what he is trying to achieve with this company.

The purpose of PYXISM is to create a convergence between discounted travel, home-based business, and the internet.  The company is targeted to the baby-boomer demographic because of their sheer numbers, tendency to travel, disposable income, and the likelihood of increased demand for travel products as they enter their retirement years.  As a result, PIXISM will be a fully licensed, certified and online provider of Travel packages while offering a unique Network Marketing Opportunity.

So here are my reasons for joining PYXISM, and they are not in any particular order :

Getting in on the ground floor - I struggled with this one because I can argue both sides of this opportunity.  On the one hand, getting in at the start of a MLM business, gives you good positioning to cycle faster as the organization grows beneath you with the push of the buzz and the early frenzy of new subscribers coming on board.  As an organization matures, the growth rate stabilizes, so the opportunity to earn cycling bonuses naturally slows as well.  While startup is really an exciting time, it is also an uncertain time.  Some materials may not be ready, back office support may be shaky or in process of getting set up, and bugs are getting ironed out in the systems and procedures. This is par for the course, but, on top of that, you also have to consider that it is a new company and product - it is pretty speculative at this point on several fronts; the company is not proven, the product sales are forecasts, the compensation structure and plan is theoretical, although some features were replicated from other plans.  So as you can see, there is a bit of risk involved.  Is the payoff of the initial wave more significant than the risk?  I estimate in this case that it is because the management and leaders have proven previous track records in MLM, the comp plan is designed to promote the right behaviors (I'll write more about this in my next point), and the product is not really new at all, just a new distribution channel.

The compensation structure - Lloyd Wilson, the founder of PYXISM, has been a successful Network Marketing Executive for the last two decades, but he was never happy with the way the compensation structures were built.  He had a vision to design a structure that promoted team-building and long-term team benefit, as opposed to rewarding only the few elites to the detriment on their downlines.  This visionary structure is called a True Follow-Me Matrix whereby a team remains intact and follows the sponsor as they move up and cycle out and back into a new matrix. In addition, each matrix has only 14 positions to fill before there is a payout, so the speed of compensation cycling is much quicker than other matrices that typically have 24 or more positions.  A further team-building feature is the ability to help your entire team cycle faster by filling spots through spill-over and spill-under, so the top performers are rewarded for their efforts, but the entire team also benefits. If you would like to learn the finer details of the PYXISM compensation plan, register for a free webinar here.  Once you're on the site, just scroll to the bottom of the page, and click to see the Opportunity Presentation. You will also have a choice to see a pre-recorded one, but I warn you, Lloyd is passionate about this topic and is an expert, so he goes in great detail in this early recording - as a result, he is regularly ribbed by the PYXISM associates for creating a 2-hour long webinar...

No product sales requirement - With PYXISM, there are no health products, juices, vitamins, cosmetics, or whatever else to sell.  However, the PIXISM business model does provide for associates to develop several revenue streams and there are plans to grow this even more.  In addition to the bonuses earned for recruiting, associates can run their own Fully Licensed Travel Portal and earn commissions on those sales.  Details of this are not yet released but it will be an exciting additional way to supplement income and attract potential prospects.  That said, there is absolutely no requirement to sell, other than to recruit at least two downline associates in the matrix to be eligible for payout.  This to me was a huge factor because I hate sales....kind of funny, coming from a marketing coach, isn't it!  But as you probably know, with effective marketing, you don't need to sell - the selling is done for you...

And last but not least,

No monthly fees and low startup costs - In line with the absence of sales or autoships, subscriptions fees for associates are charged annually ($25) and there is a one-time startup cost of $300.  This is very reasonable considering the earnings potential and I believe this low entry fee will actually be a major contributor to the popularity and rapid growth of this company.

Plus, there is also this feature I couldn't resist - Upon registering, new associates get to choose a free travel package valued at $300 and also earn additional travel packages of increasing value each time the cycle out of their matrix.  That could mean several packages a year!  So if you love to travel, like I do, you may really benefit from this, and if you prefer not to, or you have other obligations, these bonuses are transferable.

So that's it.  Considering all these elements, I decided PYXISM was the right Network Marketing opportunity for me.